Keeping your home clean and organized can be a very challenging task. It takes a lot of time and effort, and sometimes it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels trying to keep up with all the chores. Plus, if you have multiple jobs and a family to take care of and you can’t afford a maid it can be really difficult to find time to do everything you need to do in order to keep your home looking its best.
The funny thing is (and most of you will agree with this), during our free time, while we’re sitting comfortably on our couch, enjoying binge-watching on Netflix with a cup of our favorite tea on the side, we would get calls or messages from time to time saying, “Hi, we’re near the area so we thought we’d visit you so we can catch up. See you in 15 minutes?” PERFECT.

I’m sure you’ve made some pretty good excuses in the past when you’ve been too busy to hang out with friends.
But how long can you keep up the charade before someone catches on? you can probably get away with making some pretty convincing alibis but sooner or later you’re going to have to clean up your house.
The last thing you want is to ruin your guests’ experience because of your messy home. Here are some tips on how you can get ready for a guest in 15 minutes or less:
You obviously need to be fast in pinpointing the messiest area in your living room. Get a basket and put any clutter in there because you won’t have time to tidy it away properly for sure. Leave the basket inside a cupboard, your utility room or any other room that guests probably won’t look in. (1-2 mins)

Yes! You can make your couch cushions and throw pillows look new again with a simple fluff. You want to make a good impression on them, right? So put down that remote control, and let us show you how easy it is to get this done! To do this, you need to squeeze your pillow, slam it on the ground (like you’re mad because you’re being disturbed) then shake it so all sides are equal. That way, everyone will be able to sink into that perfect spot on the couch, and it’ll be just like being at home!(3-5 mins)

Be PREPARED for: “Can I use your toilet?”
Check your trash bin and quickly clean it up. Wipe down the sink and ensure there are fresh towels and enough toilet paper in the bathroom so your guests don’t have to ask for more after they’ve already used the bathroom (and trust us: they will).
Give the toilet bowl a quick scrub. No one wants to sit on a toilet with stains. It looks gross. Choose a bathroom candle with a citrus scent or light scents such as mint, lavender or ocean scent to instantly freshen your bathroom and give it a clean smell. (3-5mins)

Clear all visible clutter from counters and tabletops. Use a microfiber towel to quickly wipe down tables, cupboards, the refrigerator, and countertops (be mindful of grease). Make sure there are no dirty dishes or empty food boxes or soda cans lying around in sight—and if there are, be sure to move them out of sight as soon as possible.If you have a pile of dishes in the sink and you have no time to wash them, stick those dirty dishes in the dishwasher if you have one, or even in the oven to keep them out of sight. To get rid of the most pungent food scents from your kitchen and dining area, use a lemon or citrus scented candle before your guests arrive. (3-5 mins)

Ding dong! The doorbell rings. OK, now get a quick look at the mirror and smile. Maybe put on a light perfume or just use a scented hand sanitizer if you like – it’ll improve your mood, reduce anxiety and make you feel confident.
You look around one last time—everything is perfect. Now open the door and welcome your guests with that beautiful smile. There’s nothing more welcoming than a heartfelt smile.